Saturday, January 31, 2015

Renton Prayer Vigils

See map below.
Prayer is good any day of the week and at any hour you choose.
Praying with public visibility brings our pro-life message to the community
to help save lives from the tragedy of abortion, by praying for all those inside the facility. 

When choosing the hour and day of the week you will go to pray, please consider:
Because abortions are performed Wednesday – Friday and some Saturdays,
we focus on prayer vigils
Wednesdays – Fridays from 9:00 AM until 1 PM.
In addition to these times of day, vigils are encouraged as staff enter/exit the building,
as early as 7:30 AM and until 6 PM.

Where do I park? 
Cedar River Clinics abortion facility is located inside the Cascade Crest Building, 263 Rainier S., and shares its only entry/exit driveway onto Rainier Ave. S. with Pizza Hut and the Midas shop.
Please do not park in front of Midas or in the Pizza Hut parking lot.
Taco Time's parking lot is directly across Rainier Ave. from the facility and is larger than is required by the business.  Taco Time asks us to park in the row(s) nearest 2nd Ave.
Where do I stand?
 Stand facing the facility on the Rainier Ave. sidewalk in single file.  Do not block foot traffic or visibility for vehicles exiting onto Rainier Ave.  Never stand in the driveway.  Street traffic is quite heavy so stay safe.  You and your signs will face the vehicle traffic should you stand on the east side of Rainier while praying.

What if I'm the only one there to pray?
Feel free to stay inside your car and pray.  You may place your Life sign in your car window while you pray.  Doing so will alert another who comes alone that you will welcome a prayer partner.

What prayers should I be saying?
Prayers for Life, to St. Michael the Archangel for protection, the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, make up your own prayers or read your Bible, Stations of the Cross, or go to and choose from many prayers suggested there.

What if people approach me and want to start an argument?
Tell them you are there to pray for those inside the clinic and ask if they'd like to join you in prayer.

What if someone comes out of the clinic after changing her mind?
If you are able to have a conversation with her, be loving and non-argumentative.  The hotline number 1-800-395-HELP will offer options for where to go for help.  Local help is available from: 
Life Choices Bellevue, 866-668-2566; Pregnancy Aid Kent, 253-852-1201; Next Step Pregnancy Services in Lynnwood, 866-892-5125 (offering ultrasound); the Gabriel Project, 888-926-ANGEL (or 888-926-2643).  OR you may suggest looking in the Yellow Pages under "Abortion Alternatives" or "Adoption."  Ask your church's Lent for Life coordinator for pamphlets that have been ordered for this purpose. 

May I bring my own signs?
We encourage using signs with loving messages or Silent No More Awareness signs.  See your church's coordinator or Betty in St. Stephen’s office (253.631.1940) to obtain an appropriate sign.

IMPORTANT:  Prayer vigils are times for PRAYER rather than fellowship.  Do not chat with your partner.  Pray and pray for conversion and change of heart for abortionists, clinic staff, and parents of innocent victims.

More question?  Email

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